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Ihor Prykhodko

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0002-4484-9781


Olexander Kolesnichenko

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher. National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0001-6406-1935


Yanina Matsehora

Ph.D. in Psychology, senior researcher.  National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0001-6103-1466


DOI https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2021.2.7

Keywords: motivation, institutional and pragmatic motivation, theory of self-determination, activity, extreme conditions, military personnel.

The article is devoted to the systematization of modern scientific research aimed at studying the problem of motivating servicemen to work in extreme conditions. Motivation for professional activity of military personnel is a hierarchical dynamic system of motivational formations, structured on the basis of the interconnection of leading institutional (internal) and pragmatic (external) motives that regulate the implementation of activities, as a result of which a system of incentives that determine activity is formed.

Most modern foreign studies of human motivation for professional activity, in particular in extreme conditions, are concentrated in the paradigm of the theory of self-determination, which was proposed in 1985 by E. Deci and R. Ryan. According to its main provisions, human motivation is divided into external and internal, the latter requires taking into account three innate universal psychological needs in: competence (human needs in the manifestation of abilities), autonomy (the right to choose a type of activity) and interconnection (the need to feel one's own belonging to a social group and / or place of business).

The results of the analysis of the experience of the leading countries of the world showed that the motivation of candidates for military service and the motivation of active military personnel has some peculiarities, but it is based on the relationship between institutional and pragmatic motivation, in some cases it is formed on the basis of ideological concepts adopted in these countries. In different countries of the world, the search for additional ways to solve the problem of motivating servicemen continues in the following areas (the formation of institutional and pragmatic motivation): increasing the authority of the army, military service; formation of a positive image of a soldier and military service in the media, the Internet, advertising products; creation of favorable conditions, benefits, social security, material and career interests of servicemen; the formation of a sense of personal social significance, benefit and patriotism among young people and active military personnel.

Despite these efforts, the problem of motivating servicemen to operate in extreme conditions has not yet found its final solution.
