Liubov Yurchenko
Doctor of Philosophy, professor, associate professor of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines. National university of civil defense of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0003-4957-338X
Mykhailo Kharlamov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National university of civil defense of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0002-5289-0290
Liydmila Hontarenko
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associated Professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National university of civil defense of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0001-6993-5494
Serhii Karikov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Associated Professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National university of civil defense of Ukraine
ORCID 0000-0001-5121-4103
Keywords: socio-psychological communication, the world under conditions of war, information technologies, aggravation of the crisis, life activities.
The phenomenon of socio-psychological communication directly or indirectly connects almost all spheres of human life and activity, namely, ensures the accumulation and transfer of social experience, elements of culture, manages and other actions of the social mechanism. And all this is especially important against the background of war.
The penetration of communication into all spheres of life is accompanied not only by the emergence of a qualitatively new type of social structures and processes, but also by a deep rethinking of the nature of social reality, the place and role of the communicator in the psychological field of worsening social and psychological danger.
In order to successfully achieve the goals, communication information should be based on knowledge, skills and motivation, which does not exclude the emotions of the participants, as the communicator seeks empathy, receiving sympathy, and the recipient seeks mental comfort.
The issue of socio-psychological communication has become central to the discussion about what the current world is and what changes await humanity in the future. Information technologies, which are related to communication processes, make every individual very vulnerable. With the help of the Internet and mobile communication, it is possible to observe mass protests, terrorist acts, or listen to the speeches of radical political leaders in real time. It turns out that today it is no longer enough to observe only those norms that produce positive customs or traditions. It is necessary to develop a new sense of justice, a new, more universal understanding of man, his dignity and respect.
The phenomenon of socio-psychological communication can lead to the fact that, together with the existing individualization of the individual's consciousness, the phenomenon of mass real behavior, including political behavior, arises. Since modern means of communication are mostly privatized by various political groups, there is a risk of getting an individual who will be guided in real life exclusively by emotional, background aspects of real events, and not by a cognitive, critical understanding of what is really happenig.
Positive arguments in favor of the phenomenon of socio-psychological communication are mostly obvious: as a result of the development of modern technologies, the best achievements of civilization should become a common resource of all mankind. In particular, strong countries will help weaker ones, and joining forces will make it possible to reach a qualitatively new level of communication and mutual understanding.