Roksolana Sirko
doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Applied Psychology and Pedagogy. Lviv State University of Life Safety.
ORCID 0000-0002-9398-6272
Keywords: inferiority syndrome; self-esteem; social comparison; envy.
The study of the characteristics of the inferiority syndrome and the phenomenon of envy has become particularly relevant, driven by the increasing impact of stress factors on people in the context of war. These factors cause corresponding psychological changes and personality deformations, leading to the formation of negative mental states, among other effects.
Today, researchers examine the phenomena of inferiority and envy within specific theoretical, methodological, and conceptual frameworks. These have developed over recent years and have actively shaped the theoretical and practical foundation for studying these phenomena, taking into account modern scientific perspectives on their formation, development, classification, and diagnosis. This is reflected in the research of domestic scientists, whose findings allow for the systematization, adaptation, and creation of relevant psychodiagnostic tools to study the phenomena of inferiority, envy, and the relationships between them.
The results of the conducted theoretical and methodological research have made it possible to suggest the use of modern foreign and domestic psychodiagnostic methods to establish statistical relationships between the phenomena of inferiority and envy by analyzing the following indicators:
- the feeling of inferiority (identification of individuals with a changed sense of self-worth) using the Comparative Feeling of Inferiority Index Questionnaire "CFII" (P.N. Dixon & D.A. Strano, 1989-1990), which was adapted into Ukrainian in 2022 by Bereziuk O.R., Filts O.O., Hrabchak V.I., and Sirko R.I.;
- types of envy using the Method for Diagnosing Types of Envy (M.A. Kuznetsov, K.I. Fomenko, N.L. Lifar), adapted into Ukrainian in 2023;
- differences in dispositional envy using the Benign and Malicious Envy Scale "BEMAS" (Lange & Crusius, 2015), adapted and tested in Ukrainian by N. Pylat and I. Haletska in 2022.
The conducted research has led to several theoretical and methodological conclusions regarding the relationship between the phenomena of inferiority and envy. This can serve as a foundation for further experimental searches to establish more specific psychological indicators and characteristics of this relationship using modern psychodiagnostic methods.