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Olena Riabinina

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0003-1870-8261

Mykhailo Kharlamov

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0002-5289-0290

Serhii Karikov 

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Associated Professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0001-5121-4103

Liydmila Hontarenko 

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associated Professor of Social and Humanitarian Sciences Department, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0001-6993-5494


Keywords: social rehabilitation, rehabilitation medicine, interdisciplinary strategies, social-psychological support.

The article offers an analytical review of a number of modern ideas and provisions of social rehabilitation of military personnel and civilians, consistent with the problems of practical assistance to Ukrainians and the existing experience of providing it. Based on the conceptualization of the integral nature of rehabilitation technologies, the fundamental role of clinical status in determining the needs of recipients and a functional approach in medical and social rehabilitation are accented. Data representing the interrelationship of medical, biological and social factors, positioned as a basis for the psychological health restoration, are considered. In particular, the analysis of Novel bio-psycho-social approach in the social rehabilitation of war victims is presented. The topic of integration of rehabilitation procedures and strategies includes an example from the foreign experience of psychotherapy of functional post-stress disorders, in particular, among military and emergency workers, In terms of the dynamics of such states the given observations correspond to a significant degree with the research ideas of the Kharkiv school of extreme and crisis psychology. The integration of multi-profiled procedures and measures into the practice of social rehabilitation is also evidenced by provisions that represent the mutual representation of rehabilitation and regenerative medicine as an ever-expanding field of interdisciplinary research; in particular in matters of functional recovery for persons with disabilities. The needs of social rehabilitation of Ukrainians, military and civilian population in the conditions of today’s war are also updated. In this regard, ideas for differentiating strategies and measures of social rehabilitation and socio-psychological support of certain contingents were actualized, the provisions of Ukrainian specialists on improving the level of psychological health of people in epaulettes, the main factors of positive influence on their mental well-being and, in this case, were considered context, its expected dynamics. Attention on the problems and opportunities of social rehabilitation of Ukrainians has sharpened.

Issue articles 6
