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Maryna Timchenko

Graduate student, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

ORCID 0009-0004-3327-4689


Keywords: adaptive capabilities, level of functional reserves of the body, crisis states, psychological help and support, climate therapy, hydrotherapy, aromaphytotherapy, aeroionotherapy, aerosol therapy, normobaric hypoxytherapy, light treatment and hardening.

Modern medical and psychological assistance and support for a person who seeks to increase it’s own adaptive capabilities and improve the body's functional reserves is based on two main methods: training for a certain type of influence, physical exertion at first, and the use of various pharmacological agents, as well as food supplements that have adaptogenic properties. Our own experience allows us to offer a number of natural and artificial physical factors that have proven themselves successfully in the works of medical and psychological assistance and support of the patients who were in a state of crisis: climate therapy (using a various meteorological factors, features of the climate of a given area, as well as special climatic influences for preventive and therapeutic purposes); hydrotherapy (the method of healing and prophylactic influence of a fresh water on the body in the form of baths, showers, dousing, rubbing, compresses, etc.); aromaphytotherapy (the method of prophylactic and healing effect on the organism with atmospheric air saturated with volatile aromatic substances of plant origin); aeroіonotherapy (method of preventive and therapeutic effect on the organism by aeroions of atmospheric air, generated by aeroionizers); aerosol therapy (the method which effect on the organism by the medicinal substances in the form of aerosols obtained with the help of inhalers or nebulizers); normobaric hypoxytherapy (the method of periodic exposure to the organism of atmospheric air and gas mixture with a reduced oxygen content, created with the help of special devices); phototherapy (prophylactic or therapeutic effect on the organism by optical radiation in the infrared, visible or ultraviolet (UV) range, obtained with the help of artificial light sources or irradiators) and hardening (a system of measures aimed at strengthening the organism, increasing resistance and endurance to the adverse effects of the environment by training the patient's thermoadaptation mechanisms).

The above-mentioned natural and artificial physical factors will allow to increase adaptive capabilities, the level of functional reserves and improve the functioning of the immune system of the body of patients in centers that provide medical and psychological assistance, support and rehabilitation.

Issue articles 6
