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Iryna Antymonova,

Practical psychologist, Communal institution «Kharkiv Gymnasium 22» 

Olena Yakovenko,

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent of the Department of Psychology, National Aerospace University ”Kharkiv Aviation Institute” 

DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2023.2.7

Keywords: Chemical addiction, Family education, Addiction.

The article is devoted to the study of the influence of the family environment on the psychological characteristics and values of men who are in a rehabilitation center due to chemical addiction.  The study is based on the analysis of psychological and social factors that influence the formation of the personality of persons with addiction.  The study included an analysis of 40 men who were inpatient treatment at a drug rehabilitation center and had been in the hospital for at least three months.  After three months of treatment and the lack of influence of psychoactive substances on the central nervous system, patients have a stabilization of their psychological and physiological state.  They acquire a more critical attitude towards their illness, condition and the factors that led to their addiction.  Based on the results of an empirical study conducted among 40 men, it was found that the family environment plays a key role in determining the level of anxiety, demonstrativeness, boldness and orientation to life productivity in men with chemical dependence.  The following methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis of literature;  test-questionnaire of parental attitude A.Ya.  Varga, V.V.  Stolin, R. Cattell's 16-factor questionnaire, R. Burns' self-portrait projective method, M. Rokych's method «Value orientations»;

The article examines the peculiarities of the psychological state of the study participants based on their family upbringing.  It was found that upbringing in a family with high control and symbiosis leads to the formation of a high level of anxiety, which becomes a factor contributing to the emergence of chemical dependence in these individuals.  At the same time, upbringing in families with low control and symbiosis leads to the development of dreaminess and demonstrativeness, which can also influence the formation of addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Also, the study revealed differences in values between these groups of patients during the recovery process. Those who experienced high control placed importance on self-confidence and standing up for one's own point of view.  While those who grew up in families with low control reevaluated the concept of life productivity, looking for new meaningful aspects in the recovery process.

 In addition, the article highlights the importance of the process of recovery and self-determination of persons with chemical dependence.  It shows how ex-addicts struggle to find a new identity through boldly standing up for their views and reassessing the importance of productive life.

 Therefore, this article contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between the family environment and the psychological state of individuals with chemical dependence, which can contribute to the improvement of support and rehabilitation programs for such individuals.


Issue articles 6
