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Anna Toporeko

Graduate student, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2023.2.13

Keywords: life strategies, personality, conditions of war, psychological support, mental health.

This article focuses on analyzing the life strategies of personal activity that individuals employ to maintain their mental health and social well-being in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The research examined adaptive strategies of coping, including problem-focused and emotion-focused coping, social support, cultural identity and adaptation, life meaning and purposefulness, as well as planning and readiness for the future. The research methodology combined quantitative and qualitative methods for data collection, which included the use of standardized questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The study revealed that active problem-solving and seeking social support effectively help individuals in conflict conditions, while maintaining cultural identity contributes to the preservation of stability and safety. The results highlight the importance of narrative work and psychological support in restoring life meaning, and strategies of planning and readiness proved critical for ensuring resilience in affected communities. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for developing policies and social assistance programs aimed at supporting individuals affected by prolonged conflict. The abstract illuminates key aspects of the article and provides an overview of the methods and main findings, prompting further research in this area.

Issue articles 6
