
Article text >>>

Vadym V. Barko

PhD. State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0002-3836-2627


Vadym I. Barko

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0003-4962-0975



Keywords: National Police of Ukraine, policeman, Police units of protection of goods and mobile objects, professionally important qualities, abilities, motivation, characterological features, psychogram.

The article is devoted to the issue of defining and generalizing of the psychological aspects of professional activity of security police units of protection of goods and mobile objects. On the basis of wide experiment involving 305 police officers from different regions of Ukraine the individual professionally important qualities of police officers were defined. It is shown that the profession of the police officer of security police units of protection of goods and mobile objects places certain requirements on the level of psychomotor properties of the psyche and the sensory-perceptual sphere. It should have a sufficient level of functional brain activity, a developed vestibular apparatus, and a sufficiently high rate of simple reaction and reaction to a moving object. Police officer also needs to have advanced cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking), and speech functions. The profession of the police officer of security police force sets certain requirements for the general and special professional abilities of employees (high and medium level of verbal intelligence, higher than average speed of divergent thinking, formed mental operations of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction). The Police officers must be able to persuade, influence the interlocutor, be responsible for their actions and orders, give an objective assessment of their own actions and actions of others, optimally combine business and personal contacts, attract attention and interest of people, and arouse their feelings of trust. Organizational and special capabilities are also significant for the professional activity of the police officer of security police. The results of the empirical study revealed a list of necessary professional qualities that the police officer of security police must possess: strong or medium-strong type of nervous system, high or average level of general abilities, a high level of development of special professional abilities, high or average level of communicative abilities, high psychіc skills properties, character traits and emotional-volitional qualities, a sufficient level of development of cognitive processes.The article also presents contraindications to professional activity as a police officer of units of protection of goods and mobile objects, the main of which include: weak or medium-weak type of nervous system; low level of nervous system lability; insufficient level of distribution and speed of switching attention, insufficient memory; low level of intellectual potential components; accentuation of character and temperament; negative character traits; low level of communication skills formation, etc.
