
Article text >>>

Olga Samara

Сandidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor. Odesa Law Academy National UniversityOdesa Law Academy National University

ORCID 0000-0003-2522-8127


Vasyl Lefterov

Doctor of psychological sciences, Professor. Odesa Law Academy National UniversityOdesa Law Academy National University

ORCID 0000-0002-9163-0555



Keywords: features, psychological rehabilitation of personality, psychological traumatization, traumatic events of war, chronic stress, adaptation barrier, dilemma of choice, dependent behavior, logotherapy

In the article is considered features of psychological rehabilitation of peaceful civilians who did not leave the country, did not participate in military operations and who sought medical and psychological help with complaints of deterioration of the mental state due to the traumatic events of the war.  In particular, they experience repetition of negative thoughts about themselves, those around them, about the future, the destruction of the ability to live on, they have complaints of insomnia or oversleeping, and they abuse alcohol. Long-term psychological trauma, chronic stress lead to negative consequences of a decrease in the level of psychological health of the individual, depression and PTSD. A person who has suffered psychological trauma needs help, therefore the main goal of psycho-rehabilitation is to restore the levels of vital activity, to use various opportunities to reduce the impact of factors that limit a person’s vital activity, learn effective strategies for reducing the reaction to stress, and support the stress resistance of a person using psychotherapy methods.

The results of an empirical study among civilians who applied for medical and psychological help are given. It was found that 45% of the subjects had pronounced depressive tendencies, 86% had signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, most of the subjects were diagnosed with signs of addictive behavior.

Among the main measures of psychological rehabilitation of the individual, the methods aimed at self-identification, development of new communicative territories, meaning-finding, search for a new life path in the dilemma of choice are considered. The vectors of rehabilitation work and content targets of rehabilitative influences, social-psychological methods of personality rehabilitation in conditions of prolonged traumatization are highlighted, in particular, the possibilities for psychological rehabilitation of logotherapy, bibliotherapy, etc. are outlined

Issue articles 3
