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Oleksandr RYKOV

postgraduate student of the National Aviation University, Kyiv

ORCID 0000-0003-1278-6699


DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2022.3.6

Key words: extreme activity, nervous system, pilots of civil aviation, psyche, psychophysiological properties

The article highlights the features of the manifestation of psychophysiological properties of pilots of civil aviation, presents a theoretical analysis of the relevance of this study, interpreted and illustrated the results of empirical research. The aim of the article was to highlight the results of the manifestation of psychophysiological properties in pilots of civil aviation. In the theoretical part it is substantiated that to work in special and extreme conditions it is necessary to have a strong nervous system, balance of mental processes and a stable psyche that ensures flight safety for pilots of civil aviation. In the empirical part were used "Methods of studying the properties of the nervous system" (modified by B.A. Vyatkin), "Methods of studying the structure of temperament by J. Strelyau" (adaptation of N.N. Danilova, A.G. Shmelev), "Questionnaire of life manifestations typological properties of the nervous system. The results of the study showed that the respondents have a fairly high efficiency, initiative, need for action, good endurance in stressful situations and sufficient adaptation to rapid changes in environmental conditions, pilots are easily excited but also quickly calm down. It can be concluded that in this sample of respondents the strength of the nervous processes of excitation prevails over the processes of inhibition, the balance of nervous processes is markedly shifted towards excitation. Such vital manifestations of typological properties of the nervous system as: energy, emotional reactivity, endurance to intense and prolonged loads, which characterizes this sample as reliable and ready for today's challenges.

Issue articles 3
