Бесплатные шаблоны Joomla

Valerii Bosniuk

Associate Professor оf the Department of Psychology of Activities in Special Conditions. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0003-0141-1920


DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2022.2.1

Key words: psychological well-being, subjective well-being, positive psychological interventions.

Large-scale research projects show evidence of very limited opportunities to influence subjective well-being through psychological interventions. The paper discusses some possible reasons for this. Among them, the results may be due to the lack of conceptual clarity in defining the construct of «subjective well-being», the development of a wide variety of theories and models of well-being by researchers, the erroneous emphasis on subjective well-being outcomes instead of focusing on predictors (e.g., positive relationships with colleagues at work), and a fragmented methodological approach in developing psychological interventions.

Some researchers even question the possibility of changing well-being in the long term. They argue that the level of our individual well-being is primarily determined by genes, and that we quickly and fully adapt to any changes in life circumstances. Classical theories of hedonic adaptation suggest that sustainable changes in subjective well-being are impossible, because its level inevitably returns to its initial value. This phenomenon is called in different ways: a control point for subjective well-being, hedonic treadmill, dynamic equilibrium or hedonic adaptation - and it is assumed that it is primarily determined by hereditary factors and depends on stable personality traits. Under such conditions, the question arises of the possibility of development, correction of personal subjective well-being, including among workers of risky professions.

It is shown that modern theoretical developments, such as the refined attitude theory, homeostasis theory and the model of prevention of hedonic adaptation offer different explanations for these results. As a result, the general conclusion is that although subjective well-being remains fairly stable for most people, long-term changes are still possible.
