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Lina Perelygina

Doctor of biological sciences, professor. National university of civil defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

ORCID 0000-0003-2594-6321


Anton Svalb

Ph.D. of Psychological Sciences, The lecturer, Department of Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions.  National university of civil defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

ORCID 0000-0002-9729-1099


Alisa Derbenova 

The chief. Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Lyceum with Enhanced Military Physical Training “Low Enforceman” of Kharkiv Regional Counsil National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

ORCID 0000-0001-8718-572X

DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2022.2.7


Key words: disadaptation, educational process, resilience, war.

The article examines some questions about the possibilities of using methods of corrective influence to overcome and get rid of the effects of wartime-related educational maladaptation. We consider the factors that determine the emergence and development of the phenomenon of mental maladaptation to lifestyle changes in general and the educational process in particular. We also provide an analysis of the parameters indicating the presence of the phenomenon of maladaptation in high school students and students of higher educational institutions. We have shown that the psychological indicators that reflect maladaptive processes in high school students and students of higher education are hardiness, anxiety and emotional burnout. In order to build corrective work, we took as a basis the indicator of resilience, as representing the most technically accessible to corrective influence due to the nature of the structure of the concept itself, on the one hand, and the presence of established corrective programs, on the other. The main directions of corrective work aimed at restoring adaptive mechanisms that make it possible to compensate for violations caused by military operations are given. The correctional program consists of three elements: 1) a series of trainings conducted remotely and aimed at correcting the factors that were previously discovered and led to maladjustment; 2) a series of tasks for independent work of schoolchildren and students, followed by a reflective analysis with the leader of the group; 3) analytical seminars with the teaching staff, at which the mechanisms of corrective influence were considered, which should be implemented in the course of classes by integrating these technics into the general educational process. The application of this approach in the practice of individual counseling and group training work showed high efficiency in reducing the subjective experience of the acuteness of the influence of a prolonged stress situation in conditions of life uncertainty.
