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Valentyn Kerdyvar

Ph.D. in Psychology, Researcher of Laboratory. National university of civil defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv (Ukraine)

ORCID 0000-0001-6560-6028


DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2022.2/2


Keywords: psychological rehabilitation; combatant; recovery; psychological support; rehabilitation

Studying the possibilities of preserving a person's social and adaptive capabilities, renewing his vital activity, increasing the level of psychological well-being in the conditions of experiencing long-term traumatic events is an urgent task, the solution of which depends on a large number of specialists of various profiles. Rehabilitation of victims of military aggression has various aspects: social, medical, psychological. The success of rehabilitation, in which both professionals and volunteers must participate, depends on the state's determination of their areas of responsibility, as well as the areas of joint efforts.

In order to summarize all developments and developments in the field of rehabilitation, the article systematizes and analyzes the chronology of the creation of the regulatory and legislative framework of Ukraine over the past 8 years, which regulates such a complex process as the organization and conduct of psychological rehabilitation of persons who took part in hostilities . The current state of psychological rehabilitation of the personnel of the security and defense sector of Ukraine and the personnel of the emergency call services of Ukraine is considered.

It has been established that, as of the second half of 2022, there is already a system of medical and psychological rehabilitation for persons who took part in hostilities. But this system still needs improvement, especially in the field of providing psychological assistance to the personnel of the emergency services, and, in particular, to the personnel of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, who performed their duties in the war zone.
