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Yana Amurova

Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor. Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Cherkasy

ORCID 0000-0002-3486-1138


DOI - https://doi.org/10.52363/dcpp-2022.2.5

Key words: active socio-psychological cognition (ASPC), self-punishment, guilt, destruction of the psyche, oedipal dependence, psychocorrection.

The study is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of the psychodynamic paradigm and the empirical material of psycho-correctional groups of active socio-psychological cognition. The article is devoted to solving the problem of deep knowledge of the phenomenon of guilt under the conditions of its reflection in tattoo drawings. The results of theoretical and empirical research of the phenomenon of guilt with the use of tattoo drawings in the process of deep cognition of the psyche are presented; the relationship between guilt and the tendency to self-punishment, which manifests itself in such destructive mental states as anxiety, frustration, rigidity, aggression, etc., has been experimentally traced. The destructions that are manifested in the tendencies of the psyche to: self-deprivation, self-imposition and psychological death have been studied. One of the main factors in the given trends is guilt, which determines the relevance of the problem put in the article, the solution of which required theoretical and empirical justifications. The basics and organizational principles of structural-semantic analysis of empirical material for the purpose of studying the phenomenon of guilt are revealed; its main characteristics and features of manifestation in the process of deep cognition with the use of visualized means are systematized; the deep psychological factors of the phenomenon of guilt, its leading and consequential effects, determined by the effectiveness of the Oedipus complex are revealed. In the article the methodological foundations of psychodynamic theory are revealed, which is the basis for organizing and conducting deep psychological research in the group of active socio-psychological cognition; the deep determinants of the formation of the subject’s sense of guilt are determined and the diagnostic and corrective possibilities of the ASPC method are outlined; the methodology used to study the manifestations of destructive states are described. In the article the advantages of the method ASPC in the study of the main factors of guilt are described
