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Alexander Danilin

PhD of Technical Sciences. Head of the Department of the Observational and Preventive Faculty of the Civil Faculty. National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

 ORCID 0000-0002-4474-7179

 DOI -

Key words: adaptation, war, extreme conditions.

In the modern world, where war and conflicts remain an integral part of international politics, the adaptation of military personnel to extreme conditions of military operations is a key problem that requires constant improvement and the search for new approaches. This article is devoted to highlighting the problems of adaptation of military personnel to the extreme conditions of military operations. A theoretical analysis of current research by American scientists dedicated to the search for new approaches to improving the adaptation process of military personnel was conducted. Two main modern approaches, which consider the psychological adaptation of servicemen as an element of a broader concept of adaptation of military units, are highlighted and analyzed. One of them is an approach based on the understanding of psychological adaptation as a process that involves active interaction between a serviceman and the environment. The second approach considers adaptation as a complex process that includes not only a psychological aspect, but also a physiological, social and cultural one. An empirical study of the adaptability of servicemen of the Armed Forces was conducted using the "Adaptivnist-200" methodology. The results are analyzed and described, recommendations are given for improving each element of the adaptation process. In order to get a more complete picture of the adaptation process, interviews were conducted with servicemen who were in the area where the anti-terrorist operation was conducted. The results of the study showed that the factors that negatively affect the adaptation process are a lack of quality food, insufficient water and other resources, constant nighttime shelling, and a high level of stress.

One of the main factors that positively affects the adaptation process is support from family and loved ones. Potential areas of research on the phenomenon of adaptation are highlighted.

Issue articles 5
