Компоненты, модули, шаблоны и другие Расширения Joomla

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Ivan Ponomarenko

assistant professor. National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

ORCID 0000-0003-4780-3209

 DOI -

Keywords: psychological well-being, professional well-being, rescuers, structural characteristics of professional well-being, structural characteristics of psychological well-being.

Introduction. The complexity of the rescuer profession is determined by the constant action of various significant professional factors, extraordinary professional tasks, quite significant psychophysical and psychophysiological overloads, which determines the need for the presence of certain professional and personal qualities of a specialist of the State Emergency Service and requires the possession of high moral and ethical and professional personal traits, the formation of which completely depends on the relevant professional conditions of the rescuer's activity, which determine the production of a comfortable personal and professional environment and well-being.

The aim of the study. According to the results of modern world and domestic literary sources, define and analyze the structural components of the phenomenon of professional well-being, as the main component of the personal psychological of specialists of the State Emergency Service.

Research materials and methods. A search was conducted for modern domestic and international literary sources, using the search electronic database Medline, Google Scholar and PubMed, scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science for the last 10 years. Their systematic analysis and generalization was performed regarding the problem of determining the structural components of the phenomenon of professional well-being, as the main component of personal psychological.

Conclusions. Taking into account the results of modern research by international and domestic scientists, the main approaches to determining the structural characteristics of the concept of personal psychological well-being are distinguished based on literary data.

The structural components of the phenomenon of professional well-being, as the main component of personal psychological well-being, are established, which allow it to be separated into an independent element and considered as an independent phenomenon.

The need to develop generalized model-conceptual principles of professional well-being within the limits of modern domestic organizational psychology is determined.

Issue articles 5
